Lotsa Community Works
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Lotsa Marketplace
Have you visited the Lotsa Marketplace recently? When we find products and services that would be of use to our members, we want to share them with you. Check out the companies we have listed for special deals and products that may help along your journey.

Resources for You
Lotsa Helping Hands partners with more than 50 of the nation’s leading nonprofit organizations that provide information and resources to members of its communities. Check out our partners to learn more.

Our Nonprofit Partners

Get Started
Lotsa Helping Hands powers online caring Communities that help restore health and balance to caregivers’ lives. The free service brings together caregivers and volunteers through online Communities that organize daily life during times of medical crisis or caregiver exhaustion in neighborhoods and communities worldwide. Create a Community for yourself or someone you love today.

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Dear Friend,


Featured this month:

Can you believe that 2013 is coming to a close? As we reflect on how challenging this year has been for many of you in caregiving roles, we also take time to remember how fortunate many of us are, too. Here at Lotsa it’s been a very satisfying year. We’ve welcomed new partners, launched the free Lotsa mobile app and watched as nearly 1.7 million people signed into Lotsa Communities and offered their helping hands.

This time last year we launched The Promise Campaign, declaring 2013 The Year of Helping Hands in an effort to support our nation’s more than 65 million caregivers. Thousands of you joined in and promised to help a caregiver, from offering to bring a meal to a neighbor to volunteering at a local senior home. We were touched to read about all the ways you offered to help, constantly reminded of the generous spirits in Lotsa Helping Hands communities.

As we wrap up this year, take a moment to share your experience as you reflect on the past year. We want to hear how you offered to help a caregiver, how you volunteered in your community or who inspired you this past year.

     From our Community to yours,

          Hal Chapel, Co-Founder & CEO


Partner Spotlight

Caregiver Action Network

The Caregiver Action Network is the nation’s leading family caregiver organization working to improve the quality of life for the 90 million Americans who care for loved ones with chronic conditions, disabilities, disease, or the frailties of old age. CAN serves a broad spectrum of family caregivers ranging from the parents of children with special needs, to the families and friends of wounded soldiers; from a young couple dealing with a diagnosis of MS, to adult children caring for parents with Alzheimer’s disease. Create a community with the Caregiver Action Network today!


Lotsa Tips — Create a Fundraiser in your Community

We are excited to offer GiveForward to new communities at Lotsa. GiveForward provides an easy way to raise money online — whether it is to raise money for medical bills, gas to and from treatment, or to offset household bills during caregiving, GiveForward offers personal fundraising pages to help with those financial stresses. Soon, the GiveForward link will be available in all our communities. Until then, you can follow these steps.

1. Visit GiveForward — If you’re a Lotsa Coordinator, visit www.giveforward.com/lotsa and click the Create a Fundraiser button. You will need to create your own account with GiveForward. Fill out the form to create your fundraiser. Once your fundraiser is complete, make note of the shortened URL (address) on the GiveForward Dashboard. You will need to have that when adding the fundraiser to your Lotsa Community.

2. Add your Fundraiser to your Lotsa Community — To add your fundraiser to your community, click ‘Add a Section’ in the upper right corner of your screen. Select ‘Button’ in the list of options and click ‘Continue’. Next you can add a title that will be visible in the Navigation Bar of your community, for example "Funds for Smith Family," then enter the unique URL (address) of your GiveForward Fundraiser. Lastly, click 'Save Changes'. For a more detailed description of how to create a fundraiser, view our tip sheet PDF.


Join the Conversation on our Lotsa Blog

Check out the latest from our blog including stories from the people behind Lotsa and resources from our nonprofit partners. To keep up with our latest posts, subscribe to our blog.

Home for the Holidays? 5 Signs to Look For as You Check on Parents’ Well-Being

Employee Caregiving on the Rise: How Will Employers ReACT?

Family Caregivers, Burnout & Respite

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Lotsa Helping Hands, Inc. — 34 Washington Street, Suite 310, Wellesley Hills, MA 02481